In a store, each data is seperated by id and then each data can have versions

What about what is returned by the store query? just seperated by id or by version too?

What about the data chart viewer? If representing version Ids uniquely, do we group by dataId in a tree like manner or do we use just a list. Upon multi selection in the data browser and editor, do we exclude versions?, this depends on how bulk actions should work

How do bulk actions work here, I think they should be implemented by the store, what of presnt memory representations

When loaded to an ltsd it is seperated by version and there can be one tracked ltsd in memory for each version

I envisioned having a version picker at the top of the data editor and so each data editor pane would be constructed for a data id but could be told to open upon a specific version. If it is editing ltsd then it should begin on a displayed specific version and any saves will save it as a new version. You can then pick a version from the list to copy from

So we have our store representation which holds info for all versions, then the in memory representation which is loaded from a specific version but after any changes is considered a potential new version