Basal metabolic rate is defined as the bodys requirement at rest

They catagorise nutritional requirements


Needed for:

  • Tissue production and repair
  • Hormone manufacture
  • Fluid balance maintenance
  • All seem to reference just material synthesis

Defines essential amino acids in older humans as:

  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine
  • Histidine States that Arginine is essential in younger humans

Proteins that can be broken down into all of these amino acids are described as complete. Biologically value is a casual scale for describing the adequacy of the protein within a food States that within animals, except for gelatin, all proteins are complete. It is stated that plant protein such as nuts, peas, beans, lentils and soya have a limited number of amino acids. It is stated that older humans should receive roughly one third of their daily requirements as complete protein ot recieve the optimum intake of amino acids.


table 4 of Applied nutrition and dietetics- Joan huskisson ( doubtful of bias towards meat production, hasnt looked into alternatives)

VitaminMajor sourcesfunctionseffect of deficiencychemical and physiological characteristicsrecommended daily adult allowance
retinol ( A)dairy fats, fish oil, egg yolk, liver
carotenecarrots, pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, apricots, yellow peaches
thiamine ( B1)wholegrain products, green leafy veg, milk, meats ( particularly non muscle organs)
riboflavinsame as thiamine
niacingreen leafy veg, wholegrain cereals, lean carcas, bird carcas, fish carcas, non muscle carcas components
( B12)milk, carcas, liver, kidneys
folic aciddark green veg, yeast, liver, kidneys
absorbic acid ( C)citrus fruits, tomato-s, potato-s, strawberry-s
( D)sunlight, margarine, fortified milk, fish liver oil
tocopherols ( E)vegetable oil-s, peas, beans, leafy vegetable-s, wheatgerm
( K)green leafy vegetables

non animal production alternatives to ( retinol ( A), ( B12)) needed


Composed of carbon and hydrogen The most dense form of energy with roughly 37J3 / 1g
